
Data for SSZ Serialization are represented by one or a combination of these Types:

  • Basic Types:
    • Unisigned Integer - Uint8, Uint16, Uint32, Uint64, Uint128, Uint256
    • Boolean - Bit, 0 or 1, True or False
  • Composite Types
    • Vector - "Fixed Length" sequence of elements of same **Type** (homogeneous)
    • List - "Variable Length" sequence of elements of the same **Type** (homogenous)
    • Container - Heterogeneous ordered collection of elements
    • Union - A "Union Type" containing SSZ Types
    • Root - A Uint256 that represents the Bytes32 hash_tree_root of a nested merkle tree
Default values

All SSZ Types have a default "zeroed" value

  • Uint: 0
  • Boolean: False
  • Vector: Sequence of default values
  • List: Empty List
  • Container: Default value for each type in container
  • Union: Default value of "Type_0"

Default values are recursive; elements in composite types such as containers are initialized with their respective default initializations


An SSZ object is called zeroed (and thus, is_zero(object) returns true) if it is equal to the default value for that type.

Illegal types

  • Empty vector types (Vector[type, 0], Bitvector[0]) are illegal.
  • Containers with no fields are illegal.
  • The null type is only legal as the first type in a union subtype (i.e. with type index zero).

Default Values E.g.

var a: Type<boolean> var b: Type<uint8> var c: Type<uint16> var d: Type<Vector<byte, 4>> a.defaultValue = false b.defaultValue = 0 c.defaultValue = 0 d.defaultValue = 0000